2011 Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning, & Employee Benefits

The Book for Agents and Planners who want to serve their clients. Step-by-step solutions to your planning challenges.

The 2011 Edition of Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning, & Employee Benefits is the sales-strategy tool that no agent, producer, manager, or financial planner should go without.

It offers step-by-step solutions to hundreds of planning needs and challenges.

Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning, & Employee Benefits is the definitive guide for agents and financial planners to identify, understand, and employ the concepts and techniques used in estate, business, and employee benefit planning. Plus, Field Guide is completely cross-referenced to Tax Facts on Insurance & Employee Benefits, so you will always know the all of the relevant tax implications of your recommendations.

Discover targeted planning opportunities and illustrated strategies for:

Estate Planning

Life Insurance

Business Valuation

Cross-Purchase Agreement

Split-dollar insurance

And more!

Field Guide to Estate Planning offers detailed information on literally hundreds of estate and business planning concepts that today’s financial professional will encounter. Each technique described covers the following:

Detailed explanation of what the concept is

Charts, tables, and graphs illustrating how the concept works

Client question prompts to gather information required for analysis and proposal

Cross references to specific related questions in Tax Facts on Insurance & Employee Benefits

Footnotes providing further details and where to find more in-depth information on the topic

Authored by Donald F. Cady, J.D., LL.M., CLU, Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning, & Employee Benefits reflects his expertise and ease in communicating planning concepts and techniques to financial professionals of all levels.

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List Price: $ 86.00
Price: $ 65.49

Elder Law in New Jersey: Finding Solutions for Legal Problems

In New Jersey, one in five residents is over the age of sixty-five. The Garden State’s legal and health care systems are becoming increasingly complex, making it more difficult than ever for seniors to understand their rights and take advantage of available assistance and services. Elder Law in New Jersey provides important, practical information to New Jersey residents. Many individuals will benefit from reading this book: older adults who have become entangled in a web of health care and social security bureaucracies, younger adults who are caregivers to elderly parents, and middle-class citizens who fear the debilitating physical and financial effects of chronic illness. The legal problems most often encountered by seniors can involve frustrating losses of control over nearly all aspects of their lives. Attorney Alice K. Dueker, who specializes in elder law, explains complex legal issues in easily understood language. She also provides contact information for agencies and programs that provide free or low-cost services for seniors and resources for locating attorneys. Elder law is state specific, so New Jersey residents will find this book especially helpful and applicable to their own lives. Alice K. Dueker is an attorney and the director of clinical programs at the Rutgers University School of Law-Camden, where she supervises the Civil Practice Clinic’s Elder Law Project.

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List Price: $ 18.95
Price: $ 11.00