Twitter ‘Embedded on These Websites’ Test Curates Links Under Tweets

With Twitter being a source of news for so many people, a new feature it’s testing that essentially curates the content behind the topic seems like a logical fit. “Embedded on these websites” is the header for the new functionality that is showing links to articles online that have embedded the tweet.


The Verge cited this is as one step towards a recent announcement by Twitter to cut through all the noise on Twitter, especially when it came to live events or breaking news.

No word on when this feature might roll out officially from Twitter. No doubt Twitter will use some sort of filter to feature only the most trusted sources for curated content.

With this, embeddable tweets offer a new way for certain publishers to gain more exposure on a topic.

Embedded Tweets: Are You Using Them?

Embedding tweets is easier than ever since the announcement of several enhancements to the functionality in January. Embedded tweets allow users to insert interactive tweets within their articles that feature media like photos and video, show real-time retweets and favorites, and give the ability to engage with the tweet right within the article.

Using them is simple. If you see a tweet you like, click on the “more” link and choose “embed”:



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