Home Builder Houston Heights

Both Comfort and Nostalgia – One Houston Heights Builder

Historical charm and state of the art conveniences can go jointly hand in hand. It is evident in the design craftsmanship of Houston Heights Builder Whitestone Builders.

Houston, Tx., July 2010:  It is the attention to details that makes a home welcoming. It’s the little nuances that brings a unique ambience to each home on the block of an established neighborhood. These features are what people expect from a custom Houston Heights builder. But few houses stand out like the ones designed by Whitestone Builders. By combining comfort with nostalgia, these custom built homes offer special features that other homes in the Houston Heights, no matter what their age, do not exhibit. Log onto Houston Heights Builder to see the difference. Or, just take a tour of the Heights and see how easy it is to spot a Whitestone Builders home.  

One example you will see is shutters that actually work. More than an architectural detail, functional shutters supply storm protection and let the owner vary the amount of light that flows into the rooms to create the perfect mood. Oversized front porches with real glowing gas lamps welcome guests and family as well provide an extended living space on cool summer nights or warm autumn evenings. Rear garages and apartments with alley access provide secured privacy and extra space for houseguests, an office or a studio without spoiling the curb appeal of these classic styled homes. Classic wrought iron fencing provide security as well as Southern, old world charm.

Too many builders of modern homes have forgotten these traditional features have a purpose. They promote a warmth and nostalgic ambience but also provide comfort and protection. Houston Heights builders Whitestone builders remember. Not all that is old is antiquated. Browse through the examples at Houston Heights Builder to see how this Houston Heights builder offers all the features of modern living without compromising classic style.

Author: Julie B. Cosgrove, freelance writer for Examiner.com
Whitestone Builders
David Gordon, Graham Gamble
5818 Dove Ridge, #200, Houston TX 77041
Phone Number: (832) 274-3848
Website: http://www.whitestonebuilders.com
Email: dgordon@whitestonebuilders.com or ggamble@whitestonebuilders.com

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